Saturday, August 11, 2012

First doctor visit in Tokyo

We were all set to meet our new doctor here in Tokyo next week but I had other ideas. I have been sick  for about 5 days and finally gave in and said ok to see a doctor. I'm ok, have a  kidney infection and will be fine in a week or so. The company has us set up with an International clinic and great care, but different. Signing in they asked for a history, basically my age, sex and where I live. No questions on medical history. Ok, I guess the doctor will ask. 
I then hear my name over a speaker and told to go to a numbered room. The doctor was German and listened, but thought I might have been out running in the sun too much after a few questions. We talked and then he examined me, no undressing, no nurse in room and said I had an athletes heartbeat. Liked hearing that for sure. Off for tests and then waited for results. Back to doctor and he prescribed meds, forgot to say I was never weighed or asked for my weight. Oh, well haven't heard of the japanese people dropping from prescription issues,so happy to get some help and onto being healthy.

We had taken a cab to the office, but I wanted to walk a bit and we took the train home. On the way we were treated to seeing a buddhist temple celebrating Obon(more later) and the lovely decorations. We were outside the gate, so my husband thought it was funny to take a photo of me sneaking around.
Of course, we rounded a corner and could take pictures with out issues. Will try to find out more info, but I was feeling tired, so off we went. Looking forward to going back.

Then a reminder of home or shall I say one of our homes.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh Pike Place!! PS you're a bad creeper because eventually you snort ;-)
